Thursday 15 October 2015

Props continued

The inspiration behind the mask because it is used in the movie The Seventh Seal and also used in Red Dwarf for the character Legion. I saw the movie and that the mask is on a personified version of death and straight away knew I wanted to use it in my music video because death is a big part of the metal genre and defines a lot of bands so that is why it was an instant choice to use it. When I saw Legion in Red Dwarf it was an instant hit with me and if I could get something like that I knew I was going to be happy. 

When I saw Marilyn Manson's No Reflection music video and saw how the ink was represented as cyanide, I was hooked straight away and from day one I wanted to use it in my video. 

When I first heard the new While She Sleeps album Brainwashed I was really hooked and haven't stopped listening to it since, but there was one track on it that really got me going and that was New World Torture. The video predominately consists of a flag being burned and the main focus on the flames. When I saw the video a lot of sparks in my brain started going off and I wanted to use the aspect of fire in my video. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Potential shots for the digipak

This would be a good shot for the digipak because it incorporates an object included in the main video.

 This would be good because the song is about the end of the world and the eyes represent stars which could portray the end of the world.

This picture would be good because it fits with the lyrics about the abyss. 


These are just a few props that are used throughout the video. 
A mask and a skull
A torch
Some ink

References that inspired me

These two pictures are the reason that I chose to use fire and the use of the colouring in the flame, because it creates a beautiful picture and the composition of the shot makes it the centre of attention and it is eye catching too. 
Below is my version of the shot.

To do list

This was my first to do list shot wise.

First batch of ideas

This is my first batch of ideas and these are the ideas that my entire video is based around including other aspects that i have picked up and included along the way. 

Detailed story board

This is my first detailed story board that forms the basis of my music video.

Basic shots needed

This was a basic list of shots that I was going to use.

First story board

This is my first story board with some very basic ideas and drawing. I have not used all of these ideas because they deemed to difficult to find or film.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Raw Footage Of The Flame

This raw footage is of a flame burning which is going to be a main part of the video. It will be visible on the scream at the beginning of the song. I like this footage because fire is a big part of a metal bands stage show and it will be good to include it in the video. The only thing that went wrong is that the flame didn't create a fire ball like I was hoping it would.

Raw Footage Of Blood Splattering

This raw footage of blood splattering on a canvas is for my music video. It is to resemble blood splattering on the floor after someone is killed. I am fairly happy with this footage because it is what I wanted in my head, but I am a little disappointed by the shadow of me pouring the
blood on to the canvas.

Wednesday 9 September 2015


So I went out and filmed over the summer holidays to try and get ahead of the games so that I could give myself the most possible amount of time to edit when I was ready to, but now I have filmed and looked at the footage I am not pleased with what I have created. So I went back and looked for more inspiration in to what I could try next. So I have decided to try and do a shoot consisting of just one singular take, this would give me a whole new level of things to try in the future and means I can experiment with different angles and how things would work in a singular take.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Location Shots

 This set of pictures and videos are from the woods that I am planning on using in my music video because it creates a sense of vulnerability and the feel like your left for dead.

Ink Preparation Shots

Here are some shots of the ink I am going to use in my music video. 

Thursday 6 August 2015

Mess around with different effects on Wondershare Video Editior

I was having a play around with a music video by Slipknot and using some cool distortion effects which I will use in my final cut. The distorted image will fit in perfectly with the genre of music I am using.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Costumes for the girls in woods

These are the skin coloured suits that the girls are going to wear in the woods in the ink scene. 

Monday 20 July 2015

Visual ideas

This is an image of Marilyn Manson in his video No Reflection. This is shot helped inspire me to think of the idea of death and depression because of the white makeup and then the gun shaped fingers.

Distorted imagery in this clip can help me with the forest shots because i can distort and elongate the shots to make them look distant and dimensional.

The band performing the chosen track

This is a link to the video i shot of the band performing the chosen track at The Aquarium in Lowestoft

Thursday 9 July 2015

1st batch of potential ideas for the video

  1. Going to use a forest as a backdrop for the video shown on their website, like running/ rushing through a forest. This is to resemble being drowned in thoughts a bit like depression.
  2. having an abandoned house in the woods that has people smothering themselves in ink. 
  3. watching through the window and it starts to rain blood. 
  4. having a burning flag to resemble the burning of the brain during depression. 
  5. when "this is the end" is shouted in the song, have posters of death and this is the end smothered in blood on them.

Shout out by the band

The band I am using gave me a shout out on their website