Thursday 15 October 2015

Props continued

The inspiration behind the mask because it is used in the movie The Seventh Seal and also used in Red Dwarf for the character Legion. I saw the movie and that the mask is on a personified version of death and straight away knew I wanted to use it in my music video because death is a big part of the metal genre and defines a lot of bands so that is why it was an instant choice to use it. When I saw Legion in Red Dwarf it was an instant hit with me and if I could get something like that I knew I was going to be happy. 

When I saw Marilyn Manson's No Reflection music video and saw how the ink was represented as cyanide, I was hooked straight away and from day one I wanted to use it in my video. 

When I first heard the new While She Sleeps album Brainwashed I was really hooked and haven't stopped listening to it since, but there was one track on it that really got me going and that was New World Torture. The video predominately consists of a flag being burned and the main focus on the flames. When I saw the video a lot of sparks in my brain started going off and I wanted to use the aspect of fire in my video. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Potential shots for the digipak

This would be a good shot for the digipak because it incorporates an object included in the main video.

 This would be good because the song is about the end of the world and the eyes represent stars which could portray the end of the world.

This picture would be good because it fits with the lyrics about the abyss. 


These are just a few props that are used throughout the video. 
A mask and a skull
A torch
Some ink

References that inspired me

These two pictures are the reason that I chose to use fire and the use of the colouring in the flame, because it creates a beautiful picture and the composition of the shot makes it the centre of attention and it is eye catching too. 
Below is my version of the shot.

To do list

This was my first to do list shot wise.

First batch of ideas

This is my first batch of ideas and these are the ideas that my entire video is based around including other aspects that i have picked up and included along the way. 

Detailed story board

This is my first detailed story board that forms the basis of my music video.

Basic shots needed

This was a basic list of shots that I was going to use.

First story board

This is my first story board with some very basic ideas and drawing. I have not used all of these ideas because they deemed to difficult to find or film.